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Friday, March 30, 2012

CJS Heating & Air, the Dayton Furnace Repair Experts

Spring and fall are two seasons of transition that affect every living thing. They also affect your living quarters, specifically your furnace. In the spring, your furnace requires a cleaning after its recent winter performance. In the fall, your furnace requires maintenance for the upcoming winter. For your Dayton furnace repair or yearly maintenance requirements, we have the expertise you need for all matters concerning HVAC.

In the spring, your furnace has just come off a grueling several months of keeping your home warm and your family comfortable. Several issues need to be attended to including:

• Filters - Filters get dirty and clogged up from filtering dust and dirt particles from the air.
• Cold Air Returns - They draw air into the system and need to be kept clean and free of obstacles and debris.
• Supply Registrars - They supply the warm air that circulates in the rooms. They should be kept open
during the winter months. In the spring they should be checked to ensure they have easy air flow.

In the fall, your furnace should be checked for inappropriate noises and obstructions that may have occurred during the summer. Mice may have nested and need to be removed, for example. Vents should be professionally vacuumed and cleaned.

Your furnace is a valuable component of your home's ability to provide comfort for your family. It's also an expensive piece of equipment. Like any other expensive, valuable commodity, it requires periodic maintenance and constant monitoring for problems. To avoid potential problems that result in expensive repairs, it is imperative that homeowners exercise due diligence. Yearly, scheduled maintenance on your furnace is highly recommended.

For your Dayton furnace repair and yearly maintenance, contact us at CJS Heating and Air. We are the professionals you need to keep your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer.




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