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Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Keep Your AC Running Like New!

            So, you just dropped a bunch of money on a new air conditioner for your home. You think to yourself, “I just spent all this money, what if this air conditioner starts acting like the old one I just had replaced? How can I keep that from happening?” As we all know, replacing any home comfort system can be pretty pricey. So how do you get the most out of your new home comfort system? It’s easy! Just follow these steps and your new AC should continue to run like new, longer!

First and probably most important is, you always want to change your filters when they are due to be changed. For example, if you have a 1 inch filter for your system, you will need to change it every 30 days. If you have a Micro Power Guard (MPG) filter, you will only need to change it every 3 months. And 4 inch filters will need to be changed every 6-9 months. If you do not know when your type of filter should be changed, call your local HVAC company and they should be able to further help you out. Imagine you’re outside on a hot summer day, running around the block and all you have is a tiny little straw to breathe through. This is what it is like for your air conditioner when the filters are dirty causing your AC to run more and work harder to keep your home cool.

You always want to check to make sure that your unit outside has plenty of space for air circulation. Our air conditioners need to “breathe” too! Clear away all debris including grass, weeds, and leaves from your outdoor condensing unit. And be sure that direct sunlight is not on your unit (trees or tall grass might be a good way to shade this area, keeping it at least 2 feet away from your unit). You will also want to make sure that all of your vents inside the home are not obstructed by any objects, this way it allows for more air circulation throughout your home meaning your AC should run less!

Everyone knows that you need to keep your car tuned up and get your oil changed regularly. Your comfort system also requires regular maintenance from qualified specialists. It would be a smart idea to have your local HVAC company come to your home right before the summer season starts to do a routine maintenance check on your system. They should clean your unit and do a safety check to ensure your system is running safely and efficiently. A lot of people are probably thinking that it would be a waste of money to have routine maintenance checks on their systems. It’s also often a thing that is forgotten about. Truth is, that it could actually save you money in the long run. Reason being is that, when your system stays clean and all maintenance is up to date, your system will not have to work as hard to keep your home cool. This will make the life of your system last longer. When your system isn’t constantly running, it will save you money on your energy bills, and everyone loves saving money on bills! Maintenance checks should include: cleaning indoor/outdoor coils, clean condensate drain, clean blower motor, check all electrical connections, check refrigerant levels, test the air flow, and do a safety check, etc. Also, your technician should be able to tell if there might be an upcoming repair that needs to be made. This would be way better than having the stress of your unit unexpectedly go out on you.

Follow these simple steps and your unit should be on its way to living a long, lasting life!

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