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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Heating and Cooling System Maintenance Tips

All systems in your home require regular maintenance. At CJS Heating & Air, we provide such maintenance services for our customers to help keep their energy costs down and elongate the lifespan of their heating and cooling system. Our unique tune up service is incomparable to other heating and cooling companies. We check and conduct maintenance on everything in your system from your thermostat to the refrigerant levels. Below we have provided common heating and cooling maintenance issues that we can conduct or you can check on yourself!


Your filters in your heating and cooling system should be checked every month and changed if needed. If you do not change your filters on a regular basis, it could result in paying higher utility bills and cause damage to your system.


Once the heating season is over its important to shut off your humidifier.  If left on in the warm months of the summer, bacteria and mold can accumulate causing it to be circulated throughout your home. Pull that plug, shut the water valve and drain the unit. A humidifier that has a water reservoir should be cleaned with vinegar to remove the mineral deposits.

Bi-Annual Maintenance

Its important to have your system maintained before every heating and cooling season. It may seem like a waste of money to have it completed twice a year but in time it will save you money. This allows you to become aware of any issues that may arise throughout the heating or cooling season.
Due to the lack of maintenance and knowledge about your heating and cooling system, things such as a dirty coil or filter can mean premature failure of your central heating and air conditioning unit's compressor, condenser fan and other system components. In other words, a malfunction of any component within your heating and cooling system can over-work your unit.
Replacement of an entire heating and cooling system can be costly. So choosing a preventative maintenance plan that best fits you and your system is the best option to avoid replacing your entire heating and air conditioning system.  We have plans that will fit everyone’s needs.

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