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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Dangers of Avoiding Furnace Repair and Tune Up

It's important that people get car work done through regular oil changes while checking any other problems after wear and tear. This is just part of owning a car, however, very few people realize that home furnaces run three to four times more than a family car runs. Yet people hardly focus on the same maintenance regimen or furnace repair for their home furnace, which protects not only the family but all the valuables inside the home from the harsh winters.

The average lifespan of an Ohio-area furnace is around 15 to 20 years. With regular furnace repair and maintenance, it can even last longer and run more efficiently. Furnaces produce flames or fumes that may contain the lethal carbon monoxide. If the levels of carbon monoxide spike in your home, it may become a death trap.

Furnace repair checks several things, like gas pressure. The center of the furnace operation is the natural gas combustion. Various valves regulate the amount of gas pressure which is burned. If the pressure is incorrect then the flames can produce dangerous levels of carbon monoxide.

Furnace repair will also check all the safety devices. Of course, the functions of the fail-safes are to keep you and your furnace safe. Although if a safety device, like a shutdown system, falters then it puts you, your family, your home and your furnace in great danger.
Regular maintenance will also check the venting. This is important to make sure that the fumes and gases are dispersed correctly instead of pooling in your home. Airflow in the house is very important to not only your safety but also to an evenly heated home.

Finally, a tune up should have a technician check all electrical usage. This can greatly help you save money because your furnace may be eating up a lot of electricity. Electrical problems can also cause a great hazard inside your home.

So there are a lot of things that should be regularly checked on your furnace. Remember, just like a car, furnace repair is equally as important as an oil change.

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Furnace Repair Tips

It's just about that time where the temperatures are starting to dip and you probably have to switch on the furnace. But now is the time to get furnace repair services done, rather than waiting for the last minute. The best reason to get everything squared away is the availability of furnace technician. You don't want to an appointment during the busy season and end up without heat during the dead of winter.

Here are some tips you should do before you get some furnace repair services before it's too late and it's too cold.

- Make sure that the heating system cycles through the startup and shutdown process through the thermostat.

- Check your supply and return air temperatures and makes rue the thermostat is accurate. The return air vents is the small grates in each room while the return air is the large grate that's usually in a hallway.

- Clean and level the thermostat. This is important for older thermostats that have liquid mercury switches.

- Make sure that the safety switch on all furnace doors are left unobstructed and clean.

- Check all wiring and electoral connections for burns or loose wire or tape.

- Check the condition of the vent connection pipe and the chimney. Is there' rust or gaps? These venting systems can deteriorate over time and will need replacing.

These are just some things you should check before you head into the winter. It's important to get the proper furnace repair services done before it's too late and you're caught out in the cold!

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