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Monday, November 4, 2013

Say What? A Load Calculation?

There may be a time in your life that you decide to replace your HVAC unit. You search around for what you think would be a good heating and air company to start with on getting an estimate for your soon to be new comfort system. One thing you should always ask your heating and air contractor is, “Do you perform a load calculation on my home?” If the answer is, “yes,” then you are starting off on the right foot. But what exactly is a load calculation and why is this so important to have done when getting a new system installed in your home?

“A load calculation determines what the proper size system is for your specific home. Completed by your dealer, it factors in a number of criteria used to determine what size components you should include as part of your total comfort system, things like square footage, number of windows, and year round weather concerns. A load calculation is important to ensure that your heating and air system is operating at a maximum efficiency with optimum performance. Most homes have systems that are over sized, so you end up paying more than you should to heat and cool your home. Systems that are improperly sized tend to cycle too quickly or too slowly. That in return can lead to maintenance problems, uneven temperatures, and an inability to control humidity.” A properly sized system based on a correct load calculation can help ensure you enjoy long-lasting, reliable comfort whatever the weather may be.

Many people may wonder why some contractors wouldn’t just use the size of their old system when their old comfort system may have heated and cooled the home to the customer’s satisfaction. The problem with this is that you may be spending extra money on your utility bills and not even notice what you could be saving. What if your original system was not sized properly to begin with? Guess work can lead to under sizing your new system which can reduce the comfort of your home. Even worse, over sizing will add unnecessary expense to the job’s cost.

Contractors lacking in the necessary technical skills or who are just interested in making that, “quick buck” may try to convince you that this is not important. But beware, if you are going to spend the money, money you probably worked hard for, wouldn’t you want the job done right? Take the extra time to allow for this important calculation, and ask questions…after all, your new system will probably be in your home for 15+ years, right? It just makes sense!



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